Tirol Werbung is characterised by a history of over 130 years: formerly founded as a tourist association, the provincial tourism organisation can today look back on many milestones and success stories.
A journey into the past of the provincial tourism organisation
Tirol Werbung is characterised by a history of over 130 years: formerly founded as a tourist association, the provincial tourism organisation can today look back on many milestones and success stories.
The predecessor of today's Tirol Werbung, the "Verein zur Hebung des Fremdenverkehrs in Nordtirol" (Association for the Promotion of Tourism in North Tyrol) was established back in 1889. The founding meeting took place on 16th April in Innsbruck's Café Austria. The association’s purpose, amongst other things, was the "expansion and improvement of the means of communication." (Photo: Tirolean Provincial Archives, Innsbruck)
1889Less than a year later, a Tirol-encompassing association was founded: on 7th January 1890, the "Landesverband der vereinigten Kur- und Fremdenverkehrsbetriebe in Tirol" (Provincial Association of the Unified Spa and Tourism Enterprises in Tirol) was constituted in Bolzano, which also included today's South and East Tirol, as well as Welschtirol, today's Trentino.
(Photo: Tirolean Provincial Archives, Innsbruck)
The association’s name is changed to "Landesverband für Fremdenverkehr in Tirol” (Provincial Association for Tourism in Tirol).
(Photo: Forcher Collection, Innsbruck)
Tirol receives its first Provincial Tourism Act, a novelty in the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy. The provincial association, previously constituted as a society, becomes a semi-official body as the "Provincial Transport Council". Its work remains essentially the same.
(Photo: Forcher Collection, Innsbruck)
The Provincial Transport Council is incorporated into the Provincial Transport Office and thus becomes part of the Office of the Provincial Government.
1922Transformation of the Republic of Austria into an authoritarian corporative state (1934) and a new tourism law (1937) mean more federalism and less democracy for the Provincial Tourist Board and the Provincial Tourist Office.
(Photo: former TVB Serfaus)
The incorporation of Austria into the German Reich brings significant personnel and structural changes for the tourism organisation. The Provincial Tourist Office is now called the Provincial Tourism Association.
(Photo: Ferdinandeum Tirolean Provincial Museum)
After the end of the Second World War and a seven year disruption, the Provincial Tourist Office resumes its duties.
(Photo: Forcher Collection, Innsbruck)
Tirolean graphic artist Arthur Zelger designs the Tirol logo.
(Photo: Tirol Werbung)
Under the management of Andreas Braun, Tirol Werbung is separated from the Office of the Tirolean Provincial Government and founded as a private association. The purpose of the association is to implement marketing measures for Tirolean tourism and to promote the image of Tirol at home and abroad.
1989The Tirol logo is further developed into its current form with a red box.
(Photo montage: Tirol Tourist Board)
Tirol Werbung demonstrates true pioneering spirit with the online platform Tiscover, which emerged from the Tirol Information System (TIS). In 1995, the website goes online under the title TIS@WEB -Tirol, as one of the first internet tourism platforms worldwide. It provides holidaymakers all over the world with the opportunity to book their stay in Tirol and find out more about the province and its people at the same time. Tiscover was taken over by the Cologne-based company HRS in 2008.
1995Cine Tirol is founded to actively promote Tirol as a film location for cinema and television productions from Austria and abroad.
(Photo: Tirol Werbung)
You can now “buy” a piece of Tirol: The Tirol Shop opens at the headquarters of the Tirol Tourist Board in Innsbruck's Maria-Theresien-Strasse with an assortment of around ten items.
(Photo: Tirol Werbung)
TirolBerg is set up for the first time at the FIS Alpine World Ski Championships in St. Anton am Arlberg. This advertising and networking platform remain an integral part of Alpine World Ski Championships in the following years.
(Photo: Tirol Werbung)
Convention Bureau Tirol commences its activities and replaces the KISA project. This professionalises the marketing and service activities in the congress tourism sector.
(Photo: Convention Bureau Tirol / Archive)
The state's newly defined location strategy envisages using the Tirolean brand not only for tourism, but also to raise the profile of the research and education sectors, as well as boost the Tirolean economy.
(Photo: Tirol Werbung / David Schreyer)
Tirol Werbung is given a new corporate structure: the Tyrol Tourism Board is established to create greater synergies in the cooperation between Tirol Werbung and the Tyrolean tourism associations.
2012Tirol Werbung GmbH becomes part of Lebensraum Tirol GmbH. Standortagentur Tirol (Business Promotion Agency) and Agrarmarketing Tirol (Tirolean Agricultural Marketing) also come under the umbrella of this holding company, which is headed by Josef Margreiter as managing director. Margreiter's function as managing director of Tirol Werbung is taken over by Florian Phleps.
(Photo: Die Fotografen)
For more exciting facts and images surrounding the beginnings of Tirolean tourism, we recommend the book "Zu Gast im Herz der Alpen - Eine Bildgeschichte des Tourismus in Tirol" (An invitation to the heart of the Alps - a pictorial history of tourism in the Tyrol) by Michael Forcher, published by Haymon Publishing House in 2015.